School Calendar
SCA will be in session on January 20th, 2025.
Christmas Sing-a-long
Thursday, December 15th, is our Christmas Sing Along at 1:30 pm. Families are welcome to join us for the Sing Along. This is not a play or big performance After the Sing Along, parents may sign their children out and take them home.
We will need our 7th and 8th grade students to help with chairs again.

Veterans Day Program
We encourage attendees to carpool if possible. The program will start at 1:30 pm and includes all grades. Each grade level will sing a song. Family members will be seated in chairs on the gym floor and students will be standing in the bleachers for the performance. Parents may go to classrooms to sign their children out at the conclusion of the program. Parking will be in the front, back, and on the basketball court. Space will be limited, so bring patience and understanding. #WeAreSpringville.
Batcole Hero 5K Run and Walk
Attention Running Club! If you are participating in the Batcole Hero 5k Run and Walk, you need to return your entry forms and money to school by Tuesday the 27th if they want to be guaranteed a free t-shirt in your size. The race is October 15, so any registrations done after 9/27 will need to be done online.
Limestone Capitol Half Marathon and 5K
If you are in the Springville Running Club and would like to participate in the Limestone Capital 5K on Saturday, October 1st please sign up at the link below.
Limestone Capital Half Marathon and 5K (
Make sure you choose "Springville" for the school challenge! You can do the 5K or the 1 mile race. If you choose to do the 1 mile we ask that a parent joins you because our volunteers will not be on the course.
We plan to wear SCA t-shirts and meet at the Blue Door on the square at 7:30 am.

Priceless IGA Cookout
Come have lunch with us! The SCA PTO will be selling freshly grilled burgers and hot dogs in the parking lot of Priceless IGA located at 510 N Street in Bedford. They’ll also have home baked goods for a tasty treat! Stop by between 11 am to 2 pm.

Boo Hoo or Yahoo! Breakfast
A “sweet” event to celebrate the kindergarten class’s first day of school ever! 9 am to 9:45 am. For questions, contact Emily Spoonmore at

Meet the Teacher & Ribbon Cutting
Celebrate the opening of the school and meet our staff! We can’t wait to show you more about what our school has to offer! Follow our event page on Facebook.

July 27th to 28th from 8 am to 7 pm at SCA. ALL enrolled students will need to register. Still need to enroll? Our staff will be onsite to help with that, too.

Tour of the Springville School Building
After the public meeting with Ball State University we’ll be giving tours of the Springville School building! If you’re curious about how the school will be utilized in the future please come visit us! We’ve given a fifteen minute buffer between the meeting and the tours, but the starting time is subject to change depending on when we can get over to unlock the school.

Public Meeting
Ball State University Office of Charter Schools is considering a charter school proposal for the Springville Community Academy. In accordance with Indiana law, a public meeting to take comments on the proposal will be held at the date and time noted. Members of the public are welcome to attend this public meeting and comment on the school and its Proposal to Charter. The meeting will be conducted by Georgette Davis, New School Development Coordinator, Office of Charter Schools, Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana.
If you would rather attend virtually then you can join the Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 980 4683 3779
Call in #929 436 2866; Meeting ID: 980 4683 3779